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NEC C&C Foundation The NEC C&C Foundation



Q1: What kind of conference is specified as Category 2 ?

A1: As shown in the application guidelines, discussions of specific themes/topic based on research at graduate schools (master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation), international forum, PhD forum, are all included in Category 2.

Generally, such as PdD Forum, research presentations based on a student's doctoral disertation of the graduate school, exchange opinions with prominent experts other than your own supervisor, meetings with students in other universities that have done similar research of you, is typical.

For example, PhD Forum at international conferences shown below, are specified one.

IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

In addition, as an academic institution's conference sponsored by international acaemic society, the following one is an appropriate kind. Students of the master course can attend this program.

Heidelberg Laureate Forum

Please note that examination and/or participation selection to the conference by prior submission of the conference is also required. Mind that participation just as an audience is not eligible.

Q2: Poster session persentation is relevant to Category 2 ?

A2: As usual, poster session presentation in the international conference is not relevant to Category 2. Please apply to Category 1 in case you have a plan to present your paper at poster session in the conference.

Q3: Is the application rejected, if the category difference is confirmed after the submission ?

A3: Usually, the answer is No. If we determine the change of application category is appropriate, we promptly contact the recommender. Recommender can make a change in the category if he/she wishes.

In this case, please follow the request notice from us, immediately.