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NEC C&C Foundation The NEC C&C Foundation

C&C Prize

The Foundation presents the C&C Prizes to distinguished persons in recognition of outstanding contributions to research and development and/or pioneering work in the fields of semiconductors, computers, and/or telecommunications and in their integrated technologies (C&C). 

The C&C Prizes was established in 1985 and are awarded to no more than two groups annually. Each recipient is given a certificate, a plaque, and a cash award (10,000,000 yen for each group).  

2022 Prize Ceremony

Request for 2024 C&C Prize Nomination(s) → Closed

The NEC C&C Foundation requests nominations for 2024 C&C Prize by Friday, May 31.

Selection Schedule of C&C Prize

Request for candidate nominations Mid-April ~ May
Selection (by Awards Committee) June
Prize winner announcement October
Prize ceremony November